Al-Anonin mobiilisovellus nyt ladattavissa

Al-Anonin kansainvälinen mobiilisovellus on nyt ladattavissa älypuhelimiin.
Alla englanninkielinen tiedote mobiilisovelluksesta ja sen tarkoituksesta:
This Mobile App marks the next evolution in Al-Anon Recovery. Now, with just a couple taps in the app, English-, Spanish-, and French-speaking Al-Anon members and newcomers from around the world will be able to come together for Al-Anon recovery.
What it is?
• A social app for Al-Anon members to connect with one another to share our experience, strength, and hope
• A new platform for electronic meetings
• A way to connect with your Al-Anon family in private chats
• A place to create and update a digital Al-Anon Journal
• A place to stay informed on the latest information from the World Service Office (WSO)
What it is not?
• It's not a face-to-face meeting list